December 2021 Quarterly Research Insights into the Changing Landscape of Small Business


Webinar on the Quarterly Research Insights of Small Business

January 25, 2022 | read time icon 60 min

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Tune in HERE and watch as we share insights from our December 2021 Small Business @Work Survey:

The state of small business labor market and insights from ADP Research Institute regarding workforce trends:  

  • What has shifted in the workforce?
  • Trends shaping the economy
  • What are the challenges small businesses are currently facing?
  • How has the technology impacted productivity and efficiency?
  • Has the skill set for an employee changed since the start of the pandemic?

The future state of the workforce:

  • How many small businesses have employees working remote vs. on-site?
  • What is the future outlook of the workforce?
  • What does the future outlook look like for small businesses returning to ‘pre-Covid’ levels?